Customer Testimonials

What Our Clients Say About Working With Us

Customer feedback
 "There is a lot of information around mental health and wellbeing at work these days, but many companies laminate their values and don't live them ... Thoughtify have helped us enormously to think through some deep and often misunderstood issues".

 Prof Philippa Snare 
Director at Facebook

Facebook testimonial for Thoughtify
"Working with Thoughtify in an y capacity will enhance both your business, life, and mental wellbeing, and I strongly recommend Thoughtify as an organisation you need to engage with".
 Justin Sutton-Parker 
Director at Citrix
Citrix testimonial for Thoughtify

  "Tom Fox from Thoughtify joined my Global HR team at Energizer.  What a thought provoking session, Tom guided us through thinking about mental health and wellbeing In today’s world, providing an excellent framework for discussion".

Miles Cunningham

Global HR Director at Energizer

Energizer testimonial for Thoughtify
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